Voice of Ex-serviceMen Society (Regd.) India

(Registration No. 2223/2014-15 under Society Act 1860)

(An All India Ex-Servicemen JCOs/NCOs/ORs Movement)

  • Total Visitor - 501769
  • Total Visit - 7948824

Appeal to all india exservicemen

EqualMSP #CSDequalEntitlements #DGREqualEntitlrments update Respected Veterans Humbly inform you fraternity that the three court cases which have reached to final stage/argument and we need to hire Senior Advocates and who charge big fees in Lakhs. We request you all to please donate generously to the society and help us to...

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AFT judgement in favour of pre 2006 retiree: Discriminatory policy of govt changed through mandamus writ of court irt HONY NAIB SUBEDAR

Hony Nb Sub के लिए खुशखबरी l 2006 से पहले रिटायर सभी Hony Nb Sub का पेंशन रिवीजन के लिए अब कोर्ट का दरवाजा नहीं खटखटाना पड़ेगा l AFT chandigarh के 27.10.17 के आदेश को 2006 से पहले रिटायर हुये सभी Hony Nb Sub पर लागू करते हुए सरकार ने...

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