Voice of Ex-serviceMen Society (Regd.) India

(Registration No. 2223/2014-15 under Society Act 1860)

(An All India Ex-Servicemen JCOs/NCOs/ORs Movement)

  • Total Visitor - 501773
  • Total Visit - 7948853

FIR lodged against AVM Kapil Kak after protest at his residence main gate Jalvayu Vihar sector 21 Noida

Voice of Ex Servicemen Society protested today in front of Sector 21, Noida where Air Vice Marsha Kapil kak are residing. Later we filed a police complaint against him. आज सैक्टर 21 नोएडा के सामने वॉइस ऑफ Ex सर्विसमैन सोसाइटी ने जहा एयर वाइस मार्शल कपिल काक रहता, प्रदर्शन किया...

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Mass appeal to exservicemen jawans/jcos for demonstration against 2 top retired generals moved SC against parliament decision. AT JALVAYU VIHAR SECTOR 21,NOIDA By 1100 hrs TO 4 O’CLOCK on 25 AUG 19(SUNDAY)

चलो नोएडा, जलवायु विहार, सैक्टर 21/25 दिनांक 25.8.2018, रविवार l क्या कभी आप कल्पना कर सकते है कि कोई पाकिस्तानी जनरल कश्मीर मामले मे भारत के नजरिए का समर्थन करे l लेकिन एयर वाइस मार्शल कपिल Kak और Maj Gen ashok मेहता अनुच्छेद 370 हटाने येवम J&K पुनर्गठन बिल के...

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Pan india empaneled hospital of echs

Know the #Empanelled_Hospitals of your region (प्रदेश) for emergency access. It is seen that at the time of an emergency the ECHS beneficiaries are not aware of their nearest empanelled hospitals. The ECHS authorities have uploaded the lists of hospitals as per controlling Region-wise, which are available at following links:...

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