Voice of Ex-serviceMen Society (Regd.) India

(Registration No. 2223/2014-15 under Society Act 1860)

(An All India Ex-Servicemen JCOs/NCOs/ORs Movement)

  • Total Visitor - 502023
  • Total Visit - 7950202

MILITARY SERVICE PAY (MSP) NEXT HEARING ON 17 MAY 18 IN DELHI HIGH COURT- Indian soldiers ONE RANK ONE PENSION(orop) has been destroyed by few major General ranks. They have not taken OROP case well to govt. This is case of selfishness and wanted to do politics on above issue . These General only have dictatorship quality, do not strategic plan to convince the govt systematically. Unfortunately they give long and big bhasan in public debate/TV channels day & night. Recently all major General and above ranks shown his shameless motive to juniors soldiers. They himself approach to RRM/PMO for OROP and govt has sanction equal pension to all major General retired today and before 1996. They are clever and lost credibility in all junior ranks of indian armed forces. Govt succeeded in ” devide and rule formulae” by giving high financial enhancement in pension to only three top ranks of armed forces. This will give bad impact on moral of defence forces. I will urge to all Maj GENERALS, Lt general and General not to accept the govt OFFER ( haddi chatna) for the sake of unity of armed forces. If they have financial scarcity plz come down on face book , we all ex soldiers jawans/jcos will gather money for him. This is wrong signal and request RRM/PMO to don’t fetch Haddi to the army who serve the nation with glory. Reknowned all India Esm society, Voice of exservicemen fighting the case in high court on major issue pertaining to welfare of soldiers. All ex soldier plz join hand with us for comman cause. Revival on Military Service Pay(MSP) has been accepted by double bench Delhi High Court and it’s date is 17 May 18.Honourable justice Reema khohli himself issued speaking order to MINISRTY OF DEFENCE IN the month of Nov 17. But a disciplined/ignorant MOD failed to answer petitioner, Voice and overrule court judgement. Voice leadership even tried legislature channel to put the question in RAJYA SABHA. But MoS RM left the issue on 7th CPC . But in case of major general orop, MOD accepted (paper cutting attached). In democracy under rule of law no one, NON policy is above the judiciary. We have firm faith that honourable high court may disqualify the DISCRIMINATED MSP on 17 May 18.


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GOVT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO MAJOR GENERAL & ABOVE RANK – Govt absolute partiality to 3 ranks giving extra financial support.Govt to answer 133 crores indians on burning issue leaving 99% ex-soldiers in dark. Voice will study the recent order of supreme court came after additional solicitor general Pinky Anand informed a three-judge bench led by CJI Dipak Misra that the Centre had decided to give equal pension to retired major generals and their equivalent ranks in all three wings of defence forces irrespective of whether they retired before or after 1996, so that JCOs/NCOs/ORs, can also be benefited in similar line. ESMs may forward their comments too’ . For info that Voice team had already met learned advocate Nidhesh Gupta in the year 2016 who have fought the case of Maj Gen but he is very expensive.


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APPOINTMENT OF PRESIDENT DELHI STATE-PAN India Veterans are welcome to take responsibility in voice Esm expansion. That depend upon individual ability and skill. Every veterans are capable enough to take such assignment after serving nation for 15 to 20 years. He must posses following skill (1) planning skill (2) organising skill (3) manning skill (4) directing the people (5) cooperating & coordinating with fellow members (6) budgeting skill for area (7) Time spare (8) democratic leadership. If any one falls under this criteria, veterans are welcome to fight against 7 decades of discrimination by 3% colonial people .97% jco/jawans privileges has been cheated by defence offr & burocrats. Today more than 450 Esm organisation exist and working in different part of country and headed by offr only. This is first esm org who dare to put up our issue with judiciary as well legislative body of India. Success depends upon your strategies, knowledge, finance and morale of any organisation. Voice assure good news in near future i.r.t. allotment of coco petrol pump/security agency/cng/coal/MSP/multiplying factor etc. Plz come forward and initiate your collegues settled pan india.


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MEETING TOMORROW 15/4/18 AT PALAM (NEW DELHI)- From beginning of the movement (JCOs/NCOs/ORs), the ESM of Palam has been supporting Voice of Ex-Servicemen society. Now the movement has to be intensified, ESMs of palam and surrounding area is organizing a meeting at the following venue and time :- Venue – Kabir Ashram, Raj Nagar Part II (PALAM COLONY) Date – 15.4.2018 (Sunday) Time – 4 PM (Refreshment has been arranged ) ESMs of nearby areas are requested to reach at the venue on time. We are in the process to expand org at every part of the country from District level to village level and in city District, Colony level to Gali level. Respected veterans of Delhi if willing to share the responsibility in the organisation are requested to reach at the venue. Be part of the revolution. आन्दोलन को तीब्रता प्रदान करनी है | अपने ज्ञान, अनुभव, क्षमता का उपयोग कर जे. सी .ओ./एन.सी.ओ./ओ.आर के क्रांति को सफल बनाये | जितनी संख्या में आन्दोलन के साथ जुडेगे, आन्दोलन को सफल होने में उतना ही कम समय लगेगा |


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REPRESENRATION WITH MoS HRD ON WELFARE ISSUE OF EX-SOLDIERS- In order to get support of Ministers, MPs and political parties on our issues, We on 12.4.2018 met honorable Minister of State Human Recourse and President RLSP Prof. Upendra Kushwah on short notice and briefed them about issues raised by Voice of Ex Servicemen Society pertaining to welfare of Ex Jcos/NCOs/ORs and discriminatory being faced by the categories even after 70 years of independent. The minister listen all our core issues potentially. Second round of meeting with the minister by the full flagged voice team will be held shortly


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VOICE EXPANSION-Org expansion. Hurry up please. We welcome the following volunteers came forward to take responsibility of district head/state head of Voice of Ex-Servicemen Society. We are publishing the name of only those personal who have forwarded email containing their No, Rank, Name and address etc and those written on face book page has not yet taken into account being incomplete details. Please check and if any name missing may please be reminded through email. Those who have not yet forwarded their details are requested to email their details to s.birbahadur@yahoo.com ASSAM 1. Ex PO Anupam Borah, Gauhati – for State head BIHAR 1. Sgt Mahender Singh, District -Bhojpur – district head 2, Hav BK Singh , District -Begusarai – district head 3. Sub Maj Shambhu Sharan choube -District Darbhanga Jharkhand 1. PO Abnash Nath – Ranchi WEST BENGAL 1. Hav Debasis Sur , 24 Pargaba 2. Nk Utpal Datta , Howrah 3. Sgt Asis Kumar Sarkar , Kolkatta & Durgapur ODISHA 1. Hav P LABANYA Reddy , Dist Gajpati Uttar Pradesh 1. Sgt Prabhat ranjan dwivedi – Kanpur 2. CHERA (Navy) Brij Raj Singh- Mathura 3. Sgt Dinesh Chand Sharma -Lakhimpur Khiri 4. Sub BS Chahar – Agra MP 1. Sgt Surender Sukla – Rewa DELHI 1. POELA Praveen Kumar 2. Sgt Arun Kumar Dubey HARYANA 1. SGT Suresh Kumar Bhaker – State Head PUNJAB 1. Kushwant Singh – Dist- Patialla RAJSTHAN 1. EX PO Laxman Lal Solanki – Teh Beawar, Ajmer 2. Capt Rameshwar Prasad – Beawar UTTRAKHAND 1. Hav Inderpal Sharma – Haridwar GUJRAT 1. Sgt Sunil Kumar Mehta– Ahmedabad MAHARASTRA 1. Hav Heera Singh – Thane 2. Sgt Pnjabrao Deshmukh – Aurangabad 3. Nb Sub Nimbalkar – Mumbai TELENGANA 1. SGT P B PATHY – Hyderabad KARNATAKA 1. SGT Nawaj – Bangalore 2. Hav Janardhana s – Bangalore 3. Sgt Nawaz Aman Shariff -Bangalore TAMIL NADU 1. HAV BB THOMAS -NILGIRI District 2. Josheph Amalraj A – tHANJAVUR KERELA 1. MWO Sreekumar S Nair – Trivandrum 2. NB SUB Chakrapni 3. Hav Ashok Kumar B -KOLLAM The ESMs who have written on face book are requested to forward their details to our email s.birbahadur@yahoo.com and those ESM who have not yet forwarded their details are requested to forward the same. In the month of April we have to raise org in all district of country. ESMs want to uplift jcos/ncos/ors and eliminate discrimination may come forward to shoulder the responsibility of Voice of Ex-Servicemen Society.

Org expansion. Hurry up please. We welcome the following volunteers came forward to take responsibility of district head/state head of Voice of Ex-Servicemen Society. We are publishing the name of only those personal who have forwarded email containing their No, Rank, Name and address etc and those written on face...

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GOVT IGNORE THE GROUD REALITY FACED BY JAWANS ON LAC-Let us raise voice against such draconian and colonial laws which say in armed forces where people on duty if died and body did not found, he is declare as not existence and denied pension/compensation.jawan duty always on risky at border.It is duty of those who either post him and put him in such duty to care him but a jawan always given challenging duty which involve high risk if there is any mishappening with jawan………jawan has to prove himself or his family …… Mother of rifflemen RINKU RAM posted to Jammu and Kashmir while patrolling on line of actual control to China border.He fallen into river and his body did not recover as we know how much wave a hill river had……….his mother running pillar to post from defence minister to AFT for pension since nine year and alway deny pension due to draconian and colonial laws pls share this new to your face book and wattapp maximums to join with his mother to help her ………we and the print media voice had changed the CRPF manoj life now he operaed once AIIMS once we raised our voice …………I hope all Veteran will share this news maximums


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