मिलिट्री सर्विस पे -कोर्ट केस (Writ C 12842/2018)| एमएसपी के संबंध मे कई असत्य अफवाहों सोशल मीडिया पर चल रहा है | अब तो ऐरियल क्लैम करने के लिए एक फ़र्म भी सोशल मीडिया पर सर्क्युलेट है | पूर्व सैनिक ऐसे किसी भी अफवाह पर विश्वास न करे | आज संगठन के तरफ सभी रैंक को एक दर से एमएसपी देने के लिए दायर याचिका पर दिल्ली हाइ कोर्ट मे सुनवाई थी | सरकार की तरफ से इस संबंध मे एफ़िडेविट दायर किया गया जो हमारे वकील को दो दिन पहले ही मिला था जिसपर संगठन की तरफ से Rejoinder दाखिल करने के लिए कोर्ट से 2 हफ्ते का समय मांगा गया लेकिन कोर्ट ने अगली तारीख 06 अगस्त 2020 को मुकरर किया है | सरकार ने एफ़िडेविट मे रिट के प्रत्येक विंदु का जवाब देने के बजाय मामले को घुमाने का प्रयास किया है और पंजाब ऐवम हरयाणा हाइ कोर्ट के एक फैसले की आड़ लेकर जवाब देने से बचने का प्रयास किया जो कि हमारे पक्ष मे ही जाएगा क्योकि सरकार के पास कहने के लिए अब कुछ नहीं है | जिस केस का हवाला सरकार दे रही है उसका तोड़ हमारे पास है | सरकार के जवाब ऐवम हमारे रिट को संगठन के वेब साइट www.voiceofexservicemen.in पर लोड कर दिया जाएगा | ये मुद्दा बहुत बड़ा है क्योकि इससे लाभान्वित सभी सेवारत और सेवानिवृत जेसीओ एनसीओ और ओआर ऐवम फ़ैमिली पेंशन धारक है अतः पूरी ताकत से संगठन को लड़ाई लड़नी है | सभी से आग्रह है कि संगठन को सहयोग करे और संगठन के वेब साइट पर जाकर संगठन की सदयस्ता अवस्य ले |
Military Service Pay-Court Case. Many untrue rumors regarding MSP are going on on social media. Now a form is also circulated on social media to claim arrears. . Ex-servicemen should not believe any such rumors. Today, the petition filed in the Delhi High Court on behalf of the organization to grant equal rate of MSP to all combatant ranks was heard. Our advocate received Affidavit filed in this regard by the government and requested honorable court to grant two weeks time to file rejoinder. However, the court has set the next date on 06 August 2020. Instead of answering each point of writ, The government has tried to twist the case in affidavit under the guise of a decision of Punjab and Haryana High Court which will go in our favour as government has nothing to say about our writ. Government’s reply and our writ will be loaded on the organization’s web site www.voiceofexservicemen.in. This issue is very big because all the serving and retired JCO NCOs and OR and family pensioners will be benefited so the organization has to fight with full force. Everyone is requested to cooperate with the organization and go to the organization’s web site and take membership of the organization.
Nice effort
MSP originate from hardship & basic pay originate from intellect. It is presumed that the intellect officer is more than JCO/ORS, so they paid 2.6 time than that of JCO/NCO.
As per 6th pay com hardship of officer & JCO/ ORS is same. But MSP is given on 2.6 times to officer which should not be.
Maj Gen & Above not paid MSP
Due to no hardship in present rank and their intellect is more than brigadier n below. It means that hardship is prioritized that rank. What is the hardship to MNS? Then MES should also get MSP.
There are three concept to compensate hardship
Ration is same
Medicine is same
MSP should be same.
The case cited of Punjab n haryana HC left to pay commission and SC case cited of more responsibilities which is also originate from intellect. In 6th pay commission NC(E) in IAF were not given MSP, after court judgement they start getting MSP 50% of jawan. In 7th pay commission their MSP esclate to 70%. It means pay commission/executive order is not final court may intervene. Their
recommendations should be fair and reasonable and not arbitrary.
Thank u.
I am Dependant pensioner drawing pension through CPPC centre. My father JC-53601 expired on 14.12.75 thereafter my mother was receiving the family pension.she expired on 26.7.2015.now I am Dependant pensioner drawing pension. My father has not received any map at all nor my mother. am I eligible for msp arrears.
Besides originate of MSP as hardship, I want to draw few more point, gaurd duty is type of punishment. As per
Sec 80 (d) of army act 1950 and sec 82 (c) of air force act 1950. Except officer and JCO it can be awarded to all lower rank.
However 24×7 gaurd duty is going on. If it is a type of punishment then it is hardship. Which rank is performing gaurd duty under hardship?
Thank you.
“Miltary service pay” the nomenclature itself clearifies that this is a special pay paid for specific cause hence the amount paid should be paid keeping in view of the cause not the intellect, becoz for recognizing intellect u have different nomenclature as part of remuneration i.e. grade pay/pay scales/rank pay etc therefore it is clear that MSP has nothing to do with rank but it is paid for hardships and hardships only and on that count everyone should be either paid equally or the highest to the ranks that suffer the most……..