Tomorrow is MSP date in Delhi High court. Executive members of societies handed over all relevant documents to Adv Nidesh Gupta ji in connection to equal MSP. Hon justice Delhi High court directed in previous date to produce some more evidence in support of JCOs, JAWANS on various attributes viz data on Hardship, Risk, Separation from home & family, Seize of fundamental rights, turbulence, hazards, stress at work, disturbance due to uncertain working hour & service condition, difficulties faced in filed areas, insecure job security in tender age, no career prospects, zero degree of autonomy, threat to life, deprive from social life etc.
Apart from above officers are able to manage 3rd time similar type of MSP since III pay commission. It was observed that our Generals had shown a mischievous act and managed MoD by merging Rank Pay and Special Disturbance Pay (6.2.102 7th CPC) in basic pay whereas neither jawan nor JCOs given such rank pay and Special Disturbance allowances. Interestingly “X” pay factor( POST WAR COMMITTEE report) was equally applicable to both Jawans and officer categories.
In 6th CPC, Govt his own report observe that Jawans & officers difficulties are similar in filed area (2.3.26 6th CPC).
CPC implementing agencies used his arbitrary power by sanctioning more MSP to women nursing staff (MNS) than male nursing staff ( Nursing asst). Whereas in border area only Lale Nursing staff used to be deployed. In previous hearings consist of double bench Hon Justice Sh Sanjeev Sachdeva allready taken this issue in Cognizance.
Voice teams especially National Coordinator and Legal Head imparted their valuable time with brainstorming research.
Rs 1.5 Lakhs (Rs one lakh fifllty thousand ) paid to Sr Advocate Supreme Court Sh Nidesh Gupta for tomorrow hearing on 4th May 2023 (Cheque attached for reference)
Battle cannot be won without featernith support. Plz do not forget to donate for your own cause by logging www.voiceofexservicemen.in
Jai Hind
(Jitendra Deo)
Head IT Cell
Voice of ex-servicemen society (regtd)