Voice of Ex-serviceMen Society (Regd.) India

(Registration No. 2223/2014-15 under Society Act 1860)

(An All India Ex-Servicemen JCOs/NCOs/ORs Movement)

  • Total Visitor - 500691
  • Total Visit - 7943533

CSD policy on four

Since we filed court case for removal of various discrimination prevalent in CSD, the entitlement for purchasing of car has been revised twice. However, our stand is firm that rank base discrimination is not accepted in any form . Our case is in final hearing. Let ban of Covid lifted....

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Good news for ex-servicemen : Constant pressure of PAN INDIA ex-servicemen society on UP govt

उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार ने ग्रूप ‘ख’ के लिये नौकरियों मे 5% आरक्षण पूर्व सैनिकों को दिया। योगी जी सरकार का धन्यवाद । UP Govt sanctioned 5% resevation to Ex Servicemen in Group B post . Thanks to Yogi Govt of...

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