The Rate of reservist pension was not revised after 6 th CPC, i.e 3500 w.e.f 1-1-2006. There was no change as per CDA cir 430, 501 and OROP-cir 555- As per 7th CPC, this is arrived by multiplying by 2.57, hence it is 3500 X 2.57= 9000- But , the minimum pension for a Sepoy as per OROP is 6665- and as per 7th CPC it is – 6665X 2.57= 17130 w.e.f 1-1-2016. As per Defence Service Regulation- Rule 155 says that , the Rate of Reservist pension shall not be less than 2/3 of minimum pension of a Regular Sepoy. By this Rule, the pension of a Reservist should be – 17130 x 2/3= 11420 . One of our Reservists, has approached AFT quoting this Rule -155 of DSR in2017. After deliberations, AFT has given judgment in favour of the Applicant by which the Reservist is eligible for monthly Basic pension of Rs.11420 w.e.f 1-1-2016 instead of Rs. 9000 at present. It is a very good Judgment and all Reservist pensioners shall be happy. But this order is applicable TO THE LITIGANT ONLY. We feel that this order shall be applicable to all the Reservist without going to AFT. We appeal to our MOD and Government to consider and issue a CDA circular in this regard. Our ESM associations/ organizations are requested to guide our reservist pensioners in their area about this judgment. OA 156/ 2017- of AFT, Regional Bench-Chennai at Circuit Bench Hyderabad..