Dear all please go through the above news item regarding exservicemen resettlement .this is a brief from a study done for a PhD .
the main points of the article are as follows
- every year approx 70000.military personnel are discharged and 89 % are in the age group of 30 to 50 yrs.
2.they are best quality trained on retirement and are mostly under utilised due to not getting employed in their productive age.
3.67% are unemployed and the number is rapidly increasing.
4.There is long gap of unemployment for 20 to 27 yrs in the age group of 33 to 60 yrs.
5.there is national policy on re-employment/ resettlement of ex’servicemen and there is no reservation for govt jobs in the states of Kerala,Bihar,Jharkhand and Mehalaya. even 63.5% of resevered vacancies in other states remains unfulfilled. out of the employed esms 27% only are in permanent jobs.
Now it is a fact that none of the central govts have evolved a national policy for proper re-employment or resettlement of ESMS which the responsibility of a responsible govt.
what is required is assured re-employment/ resettlement as a national policy and also proper implementation of OROP.