Filing nomination papers to contest election against PM by Jawan Tej Bahadur and rejection of his nomination by election commission is a failure of pillars of democracy ie Judiciary, Executive, Legislature and some extent to Media. When new Govt assumed power in 2014 under the leadership of Modi ji, every citizen was expecting positive change on the matter of governance , dealing with corruption , development etc and started raising their grievances to bring it in the notice of PM . Tej Bahadur and many Jawans were so excited that they made video of their grivencies and viral it so that it could reach to PM for their necessary action . However, inspite of addressing their grivencies, officers scared of their exposure started blaming action of Jawans as anti nation activities . Gen Bakshi and other general stated character assassination of Tej Bahadur and other Jawans on channel and narrated that Tej Bdr had Pakistani and Bangladeshi face book friends. Finally Tej Bahadur was dismissed from service without any pension for his daring act to bring massive corruption prevalent in armed forces in public domain . When Bajpayee Govt sacked then Navy chief for his disobedience, the chief was granted all facilities including pension but Tej Bahadur was awarded cuel punishment like dismissal from service without pension. As per Chankya niti, ‘ whistleblower should be given awards and incentives to blow up corruption. Chankya also said, ‘ by excessively cruel punishment, Ruler is hated by all. Double face of Govt also seen when they did not take any action against the officer who sent bill of his dinner to Govt opposing Govt policy to grant cash in lieu of free ration for officers in peace station whereas about 126 Jawans /JCOs were court marshaled when they demanded their entitled ration and oppose beating of ‘sewafar’ by officers in Nyoma near china boarder . Similarly LNK Yagya Pratap was court marshaled for viraling video when he was conplelled to clean private car of officers and other demeaning work under ‘Sewadari’ system, a colonial practice. Further, Govt did not take action against officers who jointly filed a case in supreme court by sideling MOD over issue of AFSPS rather SMT Sitaraman shamelessly defend the officers knowingly that army chief expressed displeasure on act officers. Similarly 156 retired officers written to President with the consent of serving officers over politicising armed forces and why Govt is not taking action against those serving officers who are giving consent to retired officers for writing against Govt. Tej Bahadur intention to fight election against PM is to oppose injustice done to him and bring massive corruption in armed forces and other issues pertaining to Jawans in the notice of public , parliament, media and Govt. Many organisations are raising issue of jawans jco but neither present Govt nor previous Govt ever took interest to redress their grivencies. No example in any country of the world available where a Jawan was dismissed merely because he show poor standard of meals supply to him on social media. By dismissing tej Bdr , Yagya Pratap and other Jawans jco , the corrupt and colonial mindset officers want to give single to other Jawans to face similar consequences if they open mouth against their corruption , ill-treatment and other colonial practice. Govt was scared that Ex Servicemen belonging to Jawan JCOs categories will rush to Banaras to support Tej Bahadur and will raise their grivencies which has never been addressed and thus there will be embarrassing situation for officers as well as Govt and therefore , his nomination paper was rejected . Change is natural and you can not treat Jawan and govern them with century old British rules mentility . India is the largest democracy of the world and grivencies of jawans should also be addressed and their fundamental right should be respected by all. Some years ago wives and officers of para military forces of Bangladesh were murdered by their own Jawan as Govt had ignored atrocities by officers and their wives. Jawans of Indian security forces is a law abiding citizen and nationalist and want justice through peaceful dialogue we request all political party , Govt , civil society , media, intellectual etc to look into the matter of Jawan and not dance on tune of military officers on line of our neighbor. We know now Teje Bdr will be politically exploited. If any Jawans join political party, they should focus on issues of Jawan should convince their leadership to include it on priority list
Tej Bahadur and ex Navy chief Ram Das. I noticed that some veterans are abusing Tej Bah adur and while critizing him narrative set by clever officers through media about his Pakistani Facebook friends, is might have been in their mind. Since, JCOs NCO ORs are true son of motherland and I expect their criticism must be balanced and logically correct as we do not see any comments against Ex Navy chief Ramdas who married his daughter Kavita Ramdas with Zalfigar Ahmad , a Pakistani national and critizing Modi govt since he assumed office. We have not seen Gen Bakshi and other Gen critizing naval chief but they hit hard against any Jawan who open mouth. Clever officers through his evil propoganda on media , controling mind of citizen and thighen their grip on Govt. Certain facts about navy chief Ram Das. His wife Lalita Ramdas is assuming high post in a NGO named Greenpeace. The NGO funded by Western countries was opposing koodankulam nuclear plant being established with Russia help. Mr Ramdas also donned the role of anti nuclear activist and oppose this plant. Later the NGO was thrown out by Modi govt. His daughter Kavita Ramdas married to a Pakistani , is country representative of ford Foundation, a NGO indirectly funded by CIA. Ramdas also conspired against Bajpayee govt with the support of USA and UAE. There was rumour about his soft side of Pakistan long before his post retirement . Since formation of Modi govt , he is leveling false allegations and even writen to election commission to take action against Yogiji CM UP and also written to President along with other 156 officers for so called politicising the armed forces. But I never seen any officers critizing the role of navy chief on Media but I written to President to kindly get investigated role of certain officers. How they tighten their grip on Govt is seen when 7 officers join the BJP and this was projected as big event by SMT Nirmala Sitaraman whereas we know that these 7 officers will not stand in Q for vote like Akshay Kumar. The Caucasus of officers is controling defence minister which is not good for democracy and we JCOs NCOs ORs are sufferer. Fault of tej Bahadur was that he want to bring massive corruption in the force to the notice of PM and public and the corrupt officers by terning down his request for pre mature discharge , dismissed him from service so that other could not open their mouth against corruption. From my opinion , Govt should have granted pension to tej Bdr in as they grated to ex navy chief Vishnu Bhagwat whose offence was quite serious as he denied to obey the order of Bajpayee Govt and gone on media. Ex navy chief fought election again then RM George Farnandij and lost his deposit and now writing letter against Govt to President. The clever officers are increasingly distance between Govt and jawans and dictating RM is a sad state of affairs.
With best regards
Bir Bahadur Singh
National Coordinator
Voice of Ex Servicemen Society