A letter of armed force official misinterpret the article 14 of constitution for self enjoyment/family entertaining. This is happened in army since 70 years as done by Britishers to degrade and struck on morality of 20 lakhs serving soldiers. Wake up call to 3% colonial mindset who misusing the trained army for his personal use. Govt to stopped immediately and to be treated as writ before the aap ki adalat.
Our endeavour to get ‘sewadari’ now buddy system, a colonial practice, abolished to boost the morale of Jawans and enhance their operation capacity need support of all walk of Society as Army authority is sabotaging by illegal , illogical and arbitrary reply/argument and weak Def Min is silence on the crucial issue affecting national security.
Under this practice jawans are conplelled to polish the boot of officers , taking their dog to walk, cleaning utensil, working in the garden , dropping their children at school and other demeaning work . Even wives of Jawans are treated as slaves and ordered to sing song or dance in front of officers’ wives at family welfare center. Such practice is not exists in any army of the world and even in our Navy and Airforce. It was exists in uttarpradessh police (PAC) but a revolt in year 1973 which supported by all students Union including ‘akhil bhartiya vidyarthi parishad , the Govt abolished this colonial practice from PAC.
Due to this practice dissatisfaction among jawans are increasing which resulted increasing rift between officers and jawans over the issue. Despite Army Chief attempt to shut down month of Jawans by court marshaling LNK Yagya Pratap who viral video on social media , many jawans are coming forward with video opposing this practice. Consequences of this colonial practice is so bad in taste that 226 jawans jco ware court marshaled and scumbled between officers and Jawan took place in Nyoma near china boarder over a false allegations of a officer’s wife on ‘sewadar’ who herself staying illegally in a non family station . We are fighting since last 7 years but govt is not listening under pressure from army authority, fresh agitation will be launched after election and will seek support of all walk of the society. If need be court case will also be filled. All ex servicemen are requested to support the noble cause in national interest.