Voice Meeting_28-04-2019
Recognise your old veteran friends who attended Voice of ESM Society Telugu States monthly meeting today.
Around 45 Veterans, from all corners of Hyderabad and Secunderabad had attended the meeting.
Half of them were above 75 year old, Hardly anyone who was less than 55 yrs.
After the Breakfast, the veterans were informed about various court cases pending in the courts and about the discriminatory treatment being met by our men in Forces etc.
Since *courts are the only solution left for our community to fight against discriminatory practices which includes economic discriminatory issues. Eg. 7th CPC was wrongly briefed by *our beloved authorities* that the men join forces with just X Pass where as the fact is that minimum eligibility qualification to join defence forces is 10+2 or 3 yrs Diploma or above, except a few posts like Trades men in Army and Hygienist (modified name for group D equivalent) in Navy. If our own authorities showcase us as we are just Matriculates… what can the Pay Commission do?
Another example: CPC recommended ₹12,000/- as disability pension for Havildar and below, where as the powerful 3% of officers strength fought against government and got it fixed at ₹9,000/- as minimum disability pension which effects the men to loss ₹3,000/-.
Keeping all these anomalies in view, you are requested to strengthen the organisation to fight against all the evils.
Life time Membership fee is ₹100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) which can even be sponsored.
Today we received 4 new cases of Last Rank held pension. The court fee for this is ₹ 4,000/-(Rupees four thousand only), that too after completion of paper work.
Many more other issues were discussed.
Thank you all for making it a successful event.