National War Memorial (india gate – delhi) presented to nation after a long stuggle among babu of south and north block. Giving honor to war hero should be our priority as some one who dedicate their life for the security of nation.
Today myself witnesses the auspicious events where more than 10 thousand exservicemen assemble to listen the voice of prime minister Narendra Modi ji. But we all disappointed that nothing has been announced more on OROP which was in expectation of everyone.
The following were the salient feature in MODI ji sppech at Dhahyan Chand Stadium- new delhi.
(1) He told the nation that modi govt has given 55% salary enhancement to BHUTPURV SAINIK( EXSERVICEMEN) in compare to 2014- Sir wrong feedback to nation. Babu of MOD never giving appropriate info to honorable PM. Shame to MOD feedback mechanism.
(2) 3 super speciality hospital.
(3) women ssc has been upgraded.
(4)transparency in def defence system.
(5)49% FDI in defence eqpt. 3 times more foreign company visited.
(6) in house capability has been given to our country.
(7) In procurement of def eqpt, NOC given to purchase within india.
(8) 2 lakhs Peace Keeping force sent from india.
(9) 10 big exercise and 72 thousand weapons purchased.
(10) Purchasing of 2.3 lakhs Bullet Proof Jacket in his tennure.
Most sensational issue like ONE RANK ONE PENSION, DISABILITY OF SOLDIERS, MILITARY SERVICE PAY, ESM EMPOWERMENT were blank. Honourable PM was more in election mood rather than the sacrifice made by bhutpurv sainik of india. Perhaps votes is the greater parameter in democracy and military financial inhancement & welfare have been ignored knowingly. It was more clear when exclaim INDIA FIRST OR FIMILY FIRST slogan in stadium.
Hope Modi ji , Plz introspect dividend offer for contribution made by 40 lakhs exservicemen and second MOD do not guide you well.