Restructuring Army. The developed/developing countries of the world has re-structured its Army to enhance their operational and administrative capability but our greedy officers who lead luxurious life like “Nawab” and self style “God” of jawans are restructuring Indian Army for personal gain of officers on the matter of pay, promotion, pension etc. The greedy officers are re-structuring Army Officer cadre on the similar line of IAS officer and not on the line of American Israel or Army of Europe. They have proposed to grant rank of Lt on last year of training, Capt on completion of training, Lt Col on 10 years of service, Col on 14 years and Maj Gen on 20 years of Service. They has proposed to abolish Brig Rank and Brigade shall be commanded by Maj Gen as such hundred of vacancies will be created in General ranks. They has also proposed minimum Maj Gen rank pension for officers. They claiming that no Brig ranks exists in China Army. Before 1990 there was no rank in China Army and presently every Maj General of China Army has to perform duties of Sepoy for at least one months in a years and there is no sewadari system in China. Some years back the American Army issued statement that promotion in Officers cadre will be based on merit and performance. They has proposed direct entry JCOs who will be promoted upto Lt Col. As such they have undermined of role of NCOs and block their promotion to JCOs and hony ranks and now as per their proposal if accepted, NCOs will be working hand and will be available for “sewadari’ works. The Indian and Pakistan Army has JCO ranks created by Britisher and no other Army of the world has JCOs ranks. The officers has created many unnecessary institutions to create vacancies and we have already written to abolish it to reduce financial burden on exchequer. We request Govt to appoint a committee to study the structure of American, Israel , Europe and other Army of developed nations and adopt best structure for our Army as we have adopted our Constitution. We warn Govt not to play in the hand of greedy Army Officers as presently we have week and inexperience Defence and Defence Estate Minister and greedy officers will take advantage of it.