DISCREMINATION IN JCOS/JAWANS SALARY(A COMPARTIVE CHART ATTACHED)-Central Govt failed to address issues of JCOs/NCOs/ORs during last four years. During election in 2014, the Modiji enjoyed full support of these categories and even after formation of the Govt these categories continue to support him but inexperience and incompetent Defence Minister and Defence State Minister has totally ignored these categories and even matter of finance/ non finance has never been addressed by minister/official despite several representations. The ministers are in grip of corrupt and colonial mindset officers and enjoying ministry as picnic tour. The only achievement quoted by modiji is OROP and we know that major beneficiary of OROP is officers categories who are actually a non entitled category and JCOs/NCOs/ORs were cheated and got peanuts. On matter of disability pension officers categories pressurized Govt and got order amended in their favour and as a result 100% disabled jawan (non battle causality) supposed to get 12000/pm as per recommendation of 7th CPC will now get merely about 9000/-. Accordingly, widows of jawans is suffering due to officer centric policy of the Govt. Govt is taking care of officers categories and frequently issuing order in their favour but treating jawans as a step child. We filed many cases of social and economical discrimination we jcos/ncos/ors are facing but Govt also adopting delay tactic in court . No proper action is taken when representation against corruption is submitted. I urge the Govt to direct ministers and officials to change anti jawans attitude and our legitimate demand be met out sympathetically. You will definitely loose a huge traditional voters of ex jcos/ncos/ors categories and their dependents , in the parliamentary election 2019 if failed to address our issues properly as your blind supporters are also criticizing attitude of defence ministry officials towards these categories.