ATTROCITIES IN ARMED FORCES-Our organisation has been raising voice to stop colonial practice of Sewadari prevalent in the Army. Due to this colonial practice, morale, dignity and self respect of trained soldier are compromised besides a huge manpower of about 01 lakh are detailed to perform demeaning and unsoldierly task like polishing the boots of officers and their family members, taking their dogs to walk, cleaning their cars and other duties of private servant. Many soldier committed suicide when compelled, many court marshaled who denied and allegation of murder has also been leveled by many family members. Many soldiers take pre matured retirement due to this illegal practice. We urged the Defence Minister to show the political ‘Will’ and order to stop the illegal practice when family members of a solders details as sewadar to a retired officer was allegedly murdered. But shamelessly Army authority is justifying the sewadari practice on the pretext of operational and administrative requirement. What is the operation and administrative requirement of soldiers in the house of officers/in the service of officers’s wives, family members and children and even dogs ?. All are the baseless and fabricated justification. However, we have forwarded the letter of wife of solders who was allegedly murdered in the house of a retired officer where he was detailed as sahayak, to the Army Authority. Due to inexperience and incompetent RM and RRM who are in trap in the corrupt officers/officers, they are not going to show their political ‘Will’ and issue any order. The things can only be changed when we show strength of JCOs/NCOs/ORs on road as well as file court case for which Voice of Ex-Servicemen Society is prepared and need your support.