Voice of Ex-serviceMen Society (Regd.) India

(Registration No. 2223/2014-15 under Society Act 1860)

(An All India Ex-Servicemen JCOs/NCOs/ORs Movement)

  • Total Visitor - 502298
  • Total Visit - 7951606

News on MSP, replied by RRM – Specific direction- MOD is not kid to wait for specific direction from the court. MOD not in position to reply before members of Rajya sabha. They tried to get exemption from his responsibilities to resolve the matter. This letter will be proved as a great evidence before court that how the defence burocrats work on policy making and derail the human resource policies of armed forces. Honourable high court accepted the merit in case thats why issued the speaking order to MOD. Machanism of grievances policy in personnel and salary administration function on basic facts. Earlier it was hide by these policy makers but today the situation is different. MOD himself trapped and sure voice is moving at right direction.

RRM in rajya...

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