Veteran lance nayak Verendranath rai had been sentenced to death by General court marshal and lodge in Naini jail in Allhabad last 27 year and he had not been granted a single day parole to visit his family where as in same country people lodge for 3 years jail get so many parole even those who sentenced death in Rajiv Gandhi murder case their death sentence had been commuted to life imprisonment by court and granted parole the number of parole granted to politician is very frequent ………here I am asking why there is such difference to the veteran. The law of land is same for every one but the implementation is done one the basis of influence no one care for veteran .. Veteran left on their own to fight for their bread and butter once they give their youth to country and left the force at young age ……. his wife is struggling alone for that pls raise the voice for such veteran and share your anguished on various platform to keep the veteran interest