Voice of Ex-serviceMen Society (Regd.) India

(Registration No. 2223/2014-15 under Society Act 1860)

(An All India Ex-Servicemen JCOs/NCOs/ORs Movement)

  • Total Visitor - 500685
  • Total Visit - 7943429

Effect of Voice representation letter to govt of India- Govt implemented the disability broad banding cases pending since long back before MOD. Earlier disable soldier was being forced to file case at AFT for broad banding the disability pension. Now all pre 1.1.2016 Defence Pensioners will be benefitted and need not to approach court.This is the huge saving of govt and stop unnecessary harassment to soldiers. This was concurrence of finance div vide their ID No. Part file (1) 30(01)/2016/fin/pen dt 15/12/17. Happy Republic Day to all soldiers of India.


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Why government’s FRDI Bill will have huge implications for India like demonetisation and GST

Let’s see the pros and cons of the proposed legislation. After demonetisation and the Goods and Services Tax (GST), the Narendra Modi government is going to introduce yet another controversial measure: the Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance (FRDI) Bill, 2017, purportedly to pave the way for a comprehensive resolution framework...

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Confusion between Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACP) and Military Service Pay (MSP) and the need to ignore unnecessary rumours and false hopes

Confusion between Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACP) and Military Service Pay (MSP) and the need to ignore unnecessary rumours and false hopes There are certain messages floating on social and other media that the Supreme Court of India has passed directions to pay ‘Military Service Pay’ with effect from...

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